Anthia Going thru DRASTIC color change ?


New Member
I have 2 of what I believe are Sunburst Anthias,Should be male and a female. I can't remember how to tell the difference but 1 of the 2 is getting drastically darker in color. It also appears as though some markings like spots are now appearing on the fins....Any idea what is causing the color change ?
How do you determine a male from a female ?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Are you aware that anthias are hermaphroditic? It's very typical for the most dominant female to change into a male, which with anthias involves dramatic color changes sometimes. Many fish share this trait, including clownfish, yet the most dominant clownfish will change from male to female.
If you do indeed have the sunburst anthias, the species name is Serranocirrhitus latus, and here is a link explaining it and differences between the male and female... here you go
Hope that helps...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
If the pair is peacefully getting along I see no problem with them in a 50 gallon or larger tank. I have a pair of Bartlett's that are happy in my 65 and my buddy has a trio of lyretail in a ~50 with no problems. Scott Michael's "Reef Fishes Volume 1" has some great information on anthias and species, but I believe goes overboard on some of it's recommendations. Keep in mind that anthias go from "very hardy" to "almost impossible" when looking at different species. Do you have pictures?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Lyretail (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) is one of the hardiest species, but it is also one of the larger species. I would say 29 gallons is a little small for a pair of ANY anthias. The Bartlett's anthias (Psuedoanthias bartlettorum) stay smaller, but 29 gallons is still too small for a pair. You may get away with just one Bartlett's, but in a 29 I'd have other choices for fish if it were me. Hope that helps... by the way here's my male Bartlett's...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
For comparison here's a shot of the female. With hardy species as beautiful as these I always wonder why people bother touching some of the other species that are much much tougher and riskier. Thanks for the compliment... these guys never stop moving...


New Member
I thought it would be best to try again to post a picture of the 2 together. About 2-3 weeks ago they each were the same color....Maybe this will work. If anyone could nail down the correct species from the picture as well....
I'm located in Nashville,Tn BTW...
Thanks for the replys

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Sideways those are Pseudanthias squamipinnis, commonly known as lyretail anthias. Always try and nail down the latin name of your fish, as common names (such as "sunburst anthias" in this case) are all too often useless.
The one towards the back is the one changing from female to male. Enjoy what's happening as it is quite a sight I think. The male will eventually get a shade of red, depending on the locality it came from, with the spots you talked about.
Nice pic...