Anthia questions


Active Member
Anyone out there have experiance w/ anthias? I really think they are cool looking and would like to get a few if they will school. I am also going to have chromis for schooling.
Are their any anthias that are peaceful and reef safe? I would like maybe 3 -6 if that is possible and maybe mix a couple different kinds if that is possible.
All experiances and comments welcome! ***)
OH by the way these would be for my 100 gallon set up.


Active Member
Most, if not all, anthias are reef-safe, and most are peaceful (with few exceptions, like the pink spot).
The only thing I do not recommend is mixing two types of anthias.
One thing that should be known about them is that they can be finicky eaters. When you pick yours up, make sure they are eating at the LFS before you buy them. Even if the LFS feeds them brine shrimp, that is better than nothing. You will probably have to use live brine at first when you get them in order to wean them onto frozen food. They are a skittish fish at first, but they will adjust to the aquarist within a few weeks.


Active Member
Anthias are tricky fish to make it thru introdution. They dont like/not used to bright lighting. Very hard to get to eat and established. Once established they are great reef fish. Always out and active and mostly peacefull. Lyretail and Bartletts are the hardiest but still tricky. May/should be kept as a male and a few females. Dont mix species......


My cousin broke down his tank about 6 months ago and gave me this pink square anthia. He is a super cool fish. I haven't had any trouble with him eating. He eats everything I put in the tank. I guess I need to get him a mate. but here he is!!!!!!


Active Member
Very pretty fish.
Keep the comments and suggestions coming.
Can I have like 3-5 and then 3-5 chromis as well? They will mix ok? Do Anthias school?


Active Member
We have a female squamipinnis anthias along with 3 green chromis in our 125 reef and they get along great. Since she lost her hubby(whom would not eat anything) she even schools with the chromis. She's beautiful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
seannmelly - thank you do you have a picture? I would love to see it

i have pics on this website but not of the anthias ill have to take some new pics, shes yellow with some blue and purple in her, very pretty