Anthias issues



I bought a female squarebacked anthias on Tuesday and she's been doing the usual hiding under rocks. When she does come out she is swimming all weird. He tail is raised quite a bit higher than her head. Has anyone else seen this? She's eating ok but not great. She seems to come out at the very end of feedings and grab only a few bites of food. She's BEAUTIFUL and I would hate to loose her due to something that I'm missing.


I have tried lyretails 5 each 2x in my 225G and have lost all of them....I have no clue why,. I have heard they are hard to acclimate

can you tell us about your tank


She's in a 75 gallon reef tank with a yellow tang, 2 blue chromis, 3 percula clowns, lawnmower blenny, black spiny urchin and a bunch of corals. The water is testing perfectly and the temp and everything is great. She looks beautiful when she comes out and she is eating but I worry about the way she is swimming.


Well...I hate to say this...BUT I HAVE NO CLUE....My 225G fish and reef is also a well established tank.....corals are growing great....other fish are doing great.....In my case....anthias apparently are not for me.....
....Maybe yours will get better....I hope so..


I hope so too. I know that not every fish will do well in every tank so I will keep my fingers crossed. I for some reason cannot have certain starfish. My brittle starfish is a monster that eats shrimp out of my hand but my blue linkia starfish died. :(


Active Member
Swimming with their tail high, usually suggests decompression issues, due to improper collection. The fact that the anthias is a Squarespot, a deeper water anthias, only helps to confirm that.
For deepwater fish, they either are slow raised to the surface (put in a net and slowly raised over a couple hours), only high dollar fish are usually done this way. Or they are pinned, a needled is stuck into their swim bladder. Look very closely for red spot on her side/belly, half way on the body. Improper pinning is sadly not too uncommon.
Sometimes for larger fish, usually angels, feeding a frozen pea will help, but that's probably too large for that anthias. Unless you are willing to build some type of pressure chamber, there's not a ton you can do, unfortunately. Just feed well, and provide a quiet home for the time being.


I was wondering if this was due to a swim bladder type issue. She lays sideways under rocks so I was thinking that maybe she did something with her bladder to stay under the rocks. I'm so sad and ashamed. It's my desire to own her that is the real reason that she's going to die.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beffsmiff
I was wondering if this was due to a swim bladder type issue. She lays sideways under rocks so I was thinking that maybe she did something with her bladder to stay under the rocks. I'm so sad and ashamed. It's my desire to own her that is the real reason that she's going to die.

Meh, if she was collected properly in the first place, she wouldn't be having these issues. It's not really your fault.