any advice for a new fish?

yello tang

Hello, I have 55gal with about 80 lbs LR various corals, Yellow tang, yt damsel,cb angelfish. I had the tang for 6yrs the cb and the yt damsel for 2.5 yrs. My question is can i add another fish if so would you recommend? skimmer is HOB turbo berlin, All water parameters are in check


Active Member
To clarify: If you use the general rule of thumb (1" per every 5 gallons of water), then a 55 can have 11 inches of fish. I'm guessing that the angel is around 3-3.5 inches, the damsel is about 1.5 inches, and the yellow tang is probably at least 6 inches. That equals minimally 11 inches. I'd say you're at the max and maybe over in terms of bioload. Just a guess.


Active Member
I stand corrected. You probably don't have 11 inches of fish. The tang will get larger though, so its your call. For the time being, you could probably get a very small fish that stays small.
That is a great tank I love all of the corals you have in there. What are the sizes of all of the fish? If there is room I would look at a flame hawk.


Active Member
I think you could easily get away with another small fish....something like a clown or a firefish, some sort of gramma? I wouldn't get anything big, and no messy eaters. JMO.
I've got my 90 gallon stuffed.....yellow tang, dwarf lion, 2 goldstripe maroons, 1 clarkii, sixline wrasse, mandarin, lawnmower blenny, and a southern puffer.
Make sure to keep up on regular maintenance and keep the tank make sure your cleanup crew can handle the extra fish poop, keep a regular schedule for water changes, don't overfeed. I think you'de be fine with another fish. The 1" per 5 gallons of water is simply a rule of thumb. I do take it into consideration. I am slightly over it at 1" per 4.63 gallons :)

yello tang

the tang is maybe 4 to 5 inches from tip of snout to tail. he is a great fish had him for six years and he has been moved twice, he eats like a pig i give sushi nori every day or two, to graze on and its usually gone in 4 to 5 hrs I also feed formula1 and 2 flake and frozen brine


Active Member
Good advice Azonic. I am also slightly over the limit on the rule. Maintainence, a little excess lr and ls I think really help with the slightly extra bioload. Hey, is that not the longest looking 55 gallon you've ever seen? Looks great!

yello tang

I was hoping someone said the six line wrasse. I had one yrs ago he committed suicide he went carpet surfing,he was always out and he always ate anything i put into the tank. thanks for the advice i really appreciate all the help.