Any Advice?? Just Got 465 Gallon Tank


hey everyone, i just got done ordering a custom made 465 gallon tank...and i am going to be setting up a reef tank...and was just wondering if anybody had any advice?? comments and things to look out for and what to expect and whatnot...thanks...


Active Member
What sort of filtration, lighting etc will you be using? What are the dimensions of the tank?


alright the tank is 10 feet long 3 feet tall and 2 1/2 feet deep the list of everything else that got ordered ill copy and paste down here in a second..
1 120" X 36" X 25" high Glass Tank $3,800.00 $3,800.00
* All edges ground and polished
* 3 overflows
* 8 holes drilled
* Bulkheads included
* Euro-bracing
* Cross Bracing
* 1 year warranty
* Durso drains included
1 Custom Oak Stand and Canopy for tank above $1,800.00 $1,800.00
1 Wire stand for lighting and equipment $250.00 $250.00
including timers for lighting
1 125 gal refugium/sump $275.00 $275.00
1 Mag Drive 1800gph pump $145.00 $145.00
2 Super skimmer needle wheel 220 $180.00 $360.00
1 36 watt Turbo twist UV sterilizer $175.00 $175.00
2 Theo 400 watt heaters $35.00 $70.00
2 Mag Drive 350gph pumps $55.00 $110.00
2 440 watt VHO 3 tube / lamps $160.00 $320.00
4 250 watt Metal Halide / 10,000K bulbs $175.00 $700.00
1 Pre plumb tank and refugium/sump (material & Labor) $200.00 $200.00
thtas all ill be using and also i got moonlights...


Active Member
bust out your scuba gear!!!!! youll need it to place things, unless you are exceptional at holding your breath!!! but absolutely amazing can wait to see it!! now remember substrate and live rock, a tank that size you shouldnt have under 500lbs of live rock! what types of organisms are you going to keep??


im thinking about keeping a couple fish some gobies, tangs, blennys, wrasses, and such and would also like to keep corals but im not sure what the differences are between all the corals like SPS and LPS and whatnot if any one can clarify that for me and would it be acceptable to keep anenomes in a reef tank with corals and fish? if so does any one have any suggestions for those? also wanna keep inverts too...ill take pics once i get it in which isnt till like first week of feb. :-( since its gotta be custom made and such...yeah i know i figure ill spend at least 3k more on live rock and live sand and another 3k on fishes corals and goal is to eventually hae a mandarin but i know you have to wait till your tank is at least a year old btw what are cocepods or wahtever they eat? yeah i have like a puny 110 gallon reef tank set up but the only corals in it are xenias which are OUT OF CONTROL they are breeding like crazy :help: any one have any ideas how to limit the population of them?


You can send me some xenias.
This should be quite the set up.


Active Member
All in all, your list doesn't look bad...congrats!!!
I would be prepared to add additional circulation to the tank, especially if you ever plan to keep SPS corals.
The skimmers you currently have listed will likely not be enough to handle a fully stocked tank of that size, so be sure to consider some higher powered options before commiting to anything. (Beckett injected skimmers work great on larger tanks; I have one on my 300g and it skims like crazy!).
All of the lighting you listed has the potential to heat up the tank, so depending on your climate, a chiller may be necessary (probably in the 1/2HP-3/4HP range). FWIW, I'm in the Chicago area, my tank is lit by 3x400W MH w/o any actinics installed in a well-ventilated in-wall setup and my heaters have NEVER run, but my 1/3HP chiller has been running for about 8-10 hours a day this summer anytime the room temp goes above about 78 degrees.
Best of luck, and be sure to plan, plan, and then plan some more! You'll appreciate the tank that much more later on when you have to maintain it (water changes, algae scraping, feeding, moving corals, etc.).


well, if u dont want ur 110 gallon anymore i may want to buy. You can email me if u like.
By the way that is one hell of a tank that ur gonna get. Have fun


WOW!!! Sounds like one awsome setup. Cogratulations on your purchase and goodluck when you get it going. I hope you post some pics as you setup or when the live rock is in the tank. I really look foward to seeing some pics when you are finished.
Take Care, Wayne


im pretty excited too im gonna take plenty of pics so when i get it going ill post some and i was thining about starting up a website to show my progress and stuff but i dont know how too so i think im going to go get a book on website building at barnes and nobles :)