***Any advice on setting up refugium??


I currently have a 125gal aquarium (newly est), stocked with about 100# of LR, my substrate is 75%CC, 25% fine LS (am gradually adding). I have a sump and an in-sump protein skimmer (BRELIN 25-250gal). In my sump I have bio balls. I want to remove the bio-balls and add a refugium. Any advice? I considerd using the area where the bio balls are placed in the sump as a refugium... adding mud, sand, and LR rubble and some vegetation.... but then again I also considered adding a small tank (maybe 25gal) and setting up a proper refugium. If I did so, should I have tank overflow continue to run to sump... then sumb runs to fuge... an fuge to tank? Also can anyone reccommend some other things to add to fuge? Sorry for long post!


Active Member
Well, you first need to decide what type of refuge you want to do. Me personally, my 20 gallon refuge is outside of my stand, and it looks like I have another display tank. I keep it looking very nice, it has its own stand, and does its job wonderfully. Do you have room to add another tank for your refuge?
Here is how mine is set-up.
As I said, it sits next to my 210 display tank, and has its own stand and all. The mag drive that feeds it sits in my sump. The water flows in on the right, and it is drained via gravity back down to the sump through the 2 drains on the left. I use 2 drains, so that if one gets clogged, at least I still have another one to drain water back to the sump. I have never had either of them get clogged though, but it is a nice precaution. Since it is on a stand and is higher than the sump, gravity returns it back to the sump. The stand is great because I do not have to really bend over too much to look at it. Plus, when I am sitting in front of it, it is at eye level.
I use chaetomorpha, red kelp, halimedia, and caulerpa in my refuge, as well as xenia. (Plus, I have 9 other coral frags, and a mandarin).


Active Member
Stop putting sand overtop of your crushed coral. The sand will only make its way to the bottom and the crushed coral will be back on top in time. Never mix the two because the crushed coral will always end up on top. Take the CC out and use it in your fuge if you want but just use sand alone in your main tank.