Any aggresive Emarald Crabs?


Has anyone ever known of Emaralds being aggresive. I just moved my Firefish that I have had for a couple years from my 37gal. to my new 128, and something ripped his side fin off. Needless to say, he is on his last leg.
The only thing I have in the tank (that I know of anyway, lots of new rock and there is always the chance of a hitchhiker) that seems physically capable, is a couple of good size emarald crabs.
What do ya think?


Active Member
Emerald crabs are omnnivores, meaning they will eat just about anything...plant or animal. They are generally not a problem with fish, but yeah...I suppose it could happen if it got a hold of it. They are reef safe, but have appetites. Try feeding it some squid chunks or something like that to curb the desire.
There is always the possibility that you have something in there you may not be aware of too...


I agree w/Buzz. I have never had a problem with any of my emeralds, but crabs are always a gamble. The most I have seen mine do is raise a claw at a shrimp to scare it off and take its food. Someone in here has a story about one eating a feather duster, but I think they would have to be pretty hungry. Mine like to get the occasional shrimp meat, but spend most of there time hiding and scraping algae.


Active Member
i dunno if this is helpful information, but i think it is at least interesting information.
my emeralds will only eat algae during the day, with the lights on. then, at night, they will come out and then they will eat meaty things. it is only during the night that i see them hunting with their claws up in the air, hoping to catch something. i haven't had them attack anything (that i know of). at night, i can give them meaty bits and they will greedily accept it, but if i offer the same bits to them during the day, they just shrink away from it.