Any aquascape design tips ?



good day fellow reefers,
any design tips on how to arrange lr ? I'm planing of making my 30 gal into a small reef.


New Member
I have a 30 gall reef tank. I tried to stack up my lr up the back to make a 'wall'. I hate it. No place to put critters and it falls down all the time. In my 90 gall tank I put about 9 pieces down all over the tank. Think of what a '5' card looks like - a piece in each corner and one in the middle. Pretty much what I did. Then every other piece I put in I bridged between the base pieces. I put more in the back so it does slope up - it looks like a big chunk of reef wall transplanted into my tank. I have lots of places to put stuff and there are tons of caves and holes for everyone to hide in.
cool idea with the "5" card design. I know its a bit more expensive but i have been buying my LR piece by piece. That way i find a piece that i know will 'fit' right in a spot i want it to fit in then i buy it. You have to have it pictured in your head all the caves and holes and stuff and then go find LR that will let you make that design. Because if you just buy a box of LR from your LFS or on the internet then you never really know what size or shape the pieces will be in. Then your stuck with trying to make something work with what you have. I like hand selecting my rocks myself but thats must my opinion.