Any Cadlights owners yet?


New Member
Been awhile since I've lurked around on this forum... I think this is my 2nd post I figured I'd post a pic of my cadlights 22g, since I don't think anyone that's posted on here has one?
I moved everything from my 2.5 yr old 10g and added a few more lbs of LR. Not the greatest pic, but I'm so glad I did my research and ended up buying this tank. It's an AIO setup w/ a nice sized fuge in the middle chamber.
28lbs of LR
20lb of LS
1 false perc
1 neon goby
zoo colony
a few rics
handful of hermits
skunk shrimp
In the fuge:
2 red mangroves
1 ball o' chaeto
a few short codiums
2" sand bed
couple of asterina stars
a few chunks of LR rubble
Just wish I had a better
BTW, my name is Stacey. Nice to meet ya!

lol, the little hand on the right side of the tank belongs my son...heh


Active Member
Tank looks very nice, if I had the money this tank would have been at the top of my list. What kind of lights do you have?


New Member
Thanks guys!
It's actually the base lighting option... 56w t-5 lighting (2 10k, 2 actinic).
I opted for the lower cost due to the fact that it was such an inexpensive package... complete tank w/o the lid was $175. Couldn't sell the wife on the 144w t-5's due to the 350ish price tag.
Again, thanks for looking.


New Member
I haven't added anything new since setup... all that stuff was from my prev tank cept for the addition of a few lbs of LR. As for corals....
I def want to add a few more zoo colonies, rics and play around with some of the lower light SPS... Their name escapes me atm, which is sad because I've read up on them quite a bit.
As for fish... I'm strongly considering removing my false perc and adding a green clown goby, randall shrimp goby/randall pistol shrimp and MAYBE adding a sixline wrasse OR... I know I'll summon the angel police... but possibly a dwarf angel instead. I probably won't, it's just an urge. lol
This is down the road a ways... Heck, my LR has been cycled and growing cool stuff for nearly 3yrs and I haven't had any real grazers save for CUC... and my pods just run around like there's nobody in there because my fish ignore them.


Active Member
WOW, WHat brand is that TANK ? Looks truly BEAUTIFUL. I love it. EXCELLENT LOOKING ROCK WORK also. Have you checked out my tank ? I think that tank would lOOOK TOTALLY awesome with some acans or micromussa corals :) Well hope to see it stocked up in the future.


New Member
Thank you thank you!
It's from C.A.D. lighting ( based in NY... brooklyn I believe.
They offer some pretty sweet looking setups... My final decision was between the cad 22g and the finnex m tank (30g)...
I am happy with the end result of my rockscaping... seems like it has very few dead flow areas, as well.
I'll have to check your tank out... Though, I believe I've seen it before.
Thanks again.


New Member
I have a Cadlights 39 gallon signature series that I set up about three weeks ago. I share your dilemma, not many people seem to own Cadlights tanks on This is my first posting. As I become more familiar with this message board I will attempt to post some pics of my tank. I'm glad to know there are other Cad owners in this forum.


Active Member
looks nice! I was going to get a cadlight, but at the last second I changed my mind and went with an ADA. Cadlights are great tanks though!