Any danger of aiptasia in a FOWLR tank?


I moved a piece of LR with an aiptasia on it to my FO tank. Since there are no corals or other inverts can the aiptasia be a problem? I heard they will eat small fish.
Currently there is a damsel and spanish hogfish in the tank. I plan to add some more medium sized fish.


It will surely multiply. There is a small chain of roast beef sandwich joints in my local area and each location has a very large reef tank. The smallest one of the three is a 700 gal, that particular tank is jellyfish only, so no issue. The others have incredible aiptasia growth, along with huge amounts of green algea. They used to look really nice and I would get lunch there just to sneak a peak at the tanks. When I was there last the aiptasia and algea was awful. I overheard another customer mention to her husband that the tank was beautiful and very colorful. She went on to mention that all those little anemonies were really cute and they were all over the place. She commented on how much they must have cost!!!!


I don't mind the aiptasia since I won't have any inverts in this tank. Other than small fish is there any danger to the tank?

Originally posted by Bullshark
. I overheard another customer mention to her husband that the tank was beautiful and very colorful. She went on to mention that all those little anemonies were really cute and they were all over the place. She commented on how much they must have cost!!!!

Some people actually like aiptasia(usually those who just don`t know any better) I can`t even stand the sight of the ugly things,destroy any aiptasia you encounter is my motto. Any tank with liverock has a chance of having aiptasia, I`ve never heard of aiptasia eating a fish but I wouldn`t put it past the little demons.


Active Member
Yes, aptasia will eat small fish. But we're taking really small, like feeder guppies. I have some in my 10 with a hawkfish. I actually like the way they look and of course they can't harm the hawk. I'll give the hawk a treat of guppies once in a great while and I've seen the aptasia eat two at a time. Looks cool seeing them go down their "throat."
If you like them, then let them stay.