Any Dog Lover's here??


New Member
We have a greyhound dog, named Daisy.
We also have a Sheltie
, named Molly.
I belong to a Greyhound website, because I love the breed so much. (They're not like other dogs!) She's TRULY a 45 mph. couch potato!!


This is a picture of my dog Halle. She is a Black lab, Irish Setter mix! We love her dearly and she is spoiled rotten! My five year old had pretty bows in her hair and she wanted Halle to have them too! She does not normally have bows!!



Greater Swiss Mountain dog. He's gonna be close to as big as that Great Dane. He has his First show next weekend, hopefully he'll do well (his dad was a well known swissie apparently)

michelle l

Originally Posted by NYHCx516x
Amazing great dane!
Thank you so much. He's the sweetest, most well behaved dog I could ever hope to have. He's getting older now and I hate the thought of losing him someday.


Originally Posted by Michelle L
Thank you so much. He's the sweetest, most well behaved dog I could ever hope to have. He's getting older now and I hate the thought of losing him someday.
Do you show him?

michelle l

Originally Posted by emmitt2
How much does he weigh michelle?
We keep him on the slim side because for a male, he has a small build. He is usually around 135-140 pounds, which is more the norm for a female. He has been as high as 150, but I think it was just too much weight for his frame.
That kind of ties in with another poster's question about if we show him. We don't, but his breeder used to. He didn't win much, so they retired him at about a year and a half of age. I can honestly say that I think his small size hurt him in the ring. This is a photo of him when he was showing:


Michelle - your Great Dane is a gorgeous dog.
I have 4 dogs. 3 are Doberman Pinschers and 1 is a Miniature Pinscher. We show our Dobermans. We have completed the AKC confirmation championship on 2 of our Dobes. I showed my min pin as a puppy and got a 4 pt major on him, but he doesn't have a good bite so we didn't show him anymore.
The red male Doberman (me showing in the white jacket) is our Dog Turner. His AKC name is Chivalry's Wil Turner, from the movie Pirates of the Caribean. This was his first show out at 6 months old.
The black Dobe is Tina - she is one of our finished Champions.
And the min pin is Cory. I don't have a good picture of Rosa, my other dobe.
