
I've fallen in love with this Clown trigger at my local pet shop for about a month and really thinking about getting one. He's about 2-3 inches long and been at the pet store for about a month.
The only thing i have in my tank is a purple tang, spotted puffer and a niger trigger.
Does anyone have any experience with them.
good to get him small so he could get use to being around other fish but keep a close eye for bitten fins on other fish because they like to sneak up on other fish and take a bite , mine is sneaky but if you do good luck they are awesome fish to hav ;)


Heh, what's the tank size? I wouldn't put him with those fish in anything less than a 125gallon, and even then you'll need to keep a close eye on him to make sure the other fish are safe.


If it's anything smaller than a 55 forget it..If the other trigger is a lot bigger he might harrass him too much..If you really must have him make a hiding space for him so that he can get away if he has too..YOu might try also keeping the light off on the tank for a few days to let the others "get use to him' and give them a good meal to distract them when he is added to the tank..I have had good luck and bad luck with this could also place a plexiglass diveder with holes in it to allow the water flow and let the fish acclimate to each other....There's alot of options but the bigger the tank and the more hiding spaces the better luck you'll have

New Member
i have a clown trigger,that i bought form the pet store and the said never put a tang with a clown trigger ,the one i have has eat a purple tang and then got sent back to the pet store where i got him.

dirty dog

i have had a clown for about three years, very timid , loves other fish, no problems, about a 4 foot tank , heaps of light makes it very active :eek:
mine is very nice he acts like he is tough but he is a big baby i hav to worry about my hum hum more than the clowntrigger and not to mention my undulated ,lol