Any experience with red headed wrasses?


I think I will be ordering my next fish at some point this weekend. I have been reading and researching what I want to go in next and I think I decided I'd REALLY like to get a red headed (aka clown fairy) wrasse. Right now I have 2 false percs and a lmb and I plan to add a black cap basslet, flame angel, and (if there's room) 3 blue reef chromis after. Does anyone have any experience with the clown wrasse? Does it sound like it would be a good addition to my tank? Are they hard to keep? How come more people don't have them??
Thanks. Sorry...I know I've posted several times about what I'm going to add to my tank...I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing!
Beth ***)


I dont. But I do have a Red Velvet Wrasse and he is awesome, so peaceful and friendly, I am able to hand feed him. He has some very nice coloring as well.
I noticed you were going to add a flame angel, if you do add him last, mine became aggressive and I had to take him out of my tank.
Good luck.


Originally Posted by Johnny84
I dont. But I do have a Red Velvet Wrasse and he is awesome, so peaceful and friendly, I am able to hand feed him. He has some very nice coloring as well.
I noticed you were going to add a flame angel, if you do add him last, mine became aggressive and I had to take him out of my tank.
Good luck.
Thank you...the plan is to definitely add the flame angel last! I will also definitely look into possibly a Red Velvet Wrasse instead. Are they relatively easy to keep? I'm pretty much a noobie!


I have the red headed solor wrasse, very nice fish. Eats anything you put in the tank, do not house with aggresive tankmate though.


Originally Posted by outlaw60
I have the red headed solor wrasse, very nice fish. Eats anything you put in the tank, do not house with aggresive tankmate though.

Good to hear!! Does it hide a lot or is it out and about? Do you think a flame angel is too aggressive to put with it if I add the wrasse first? How about a blackcap basslet? Thanks for the info!


Doesn't hide! always out in the water column, I had to remove a spotted hawk because he was too aggresive, all angles are different, I would lean toward another fairy wrasse though. jmo....also, a sand bed is a must, mine sleeps there


Originally Posted by outlaw60
Doesn't hide! always out in the water column, I had to remove a spotted hawk because he was too aggresive, all angles are different, I would lean toward another fairy wrasse though. jmo....also, a sand bed is a must, mine sleeps there
I have about a 2" sandbed. Is that enough?
I'm so glad someone finally responded that has one! I have been teetering back and forth whether or not I should get one. I think I'm going to go for it!!