Any fish for 5.5 gal


New Member
I want to start a 5.5 gal nano wondering what fish if any could be put in Thanks p.s want to have coral


Active Member
If you are very good at waterchanges. I think you could have one clown goby. They only get one inch long!


Active Member
i dont want to b mean or flame anyone but wat maade u decide to get a 5.5 gallon? :notsure:
i was thinkin about gettin a 10 gallon but read that i cant even have 2 fish in it
y not save up some money and get a bigger tank i got a 55 and now im so much happier

jus a thought tho (THIS IS NOT TO FLAME U! LOL) :happyfish :happyfish


dang why is everyeun so negative.... so yeah a clown goby is the fish for you.. or a mantis shrimp w/ no fish, which is real cool.
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
i dont want to b mean or flame anyone but wat maade u decide to get a 5.5 gallon? :notsure:
i was thinkin about gettin a 10 gallon but read that i cant even have 2 fish in it
y not save up some money and get a bigger tank i got a 55 and now im so much happier

jus a thought tho (THIS IS NOT TO FLAME U! LOL) :happyfish :happyfish

i have a 10g reef with 2 fish and my water quality is perfect! so
(purp firefish, scooter blenny w/o filter just a free seaclone skimmer i got.)
and a 15g reef with 3 fish!!! tomato, royal, pygmy angel. i run a bak pak on this..amm n trite=0 trate=10


Active Member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news to some, but there is a few fish that can be kept very well in a 5 gal or even smaller tank. Why go with a 5.5 gal tank.probably because that person wanted a 5.5 or the same reason there is another forum online that deals with tanks of 2 gal or less in capacity all which have fish or two inthem and they do fine. They are called pico tanks. A marine setup doe snot have to be large capacity or 100+ gal to be functional.
Yellow watchman goby
any of the clown gobies
yasha hasha goby and pistol shrimp (good pair for any small setup)
Or yu can do what a lot of people in this region do is throw in a small clown or fire fish or damsel, and when it gets too big a few months down the road trade it in at the LFS.....its common practice around here. Any of the shrimp will do well, but no matter what, just ensure water parameters are on the money, temps are within limits and you do water changes faithfully......Its certianly doable so don't let allthose nay sayers say different! Its very commonly done.


New Member
Thanks chipmaker. I am going to make a litte reef and just wondering if I could put fish. I'm probably going to go with just some crabs or shrimp. The lfs had a green Mandarin Dragonet about 1" would this fish work and if so how long could he be kept before it out grows the tank. If not could the dragonet live in a 10 gal. Thanks


Active Member
Stay away from the dragonets. They require lots of pods to eat and you just can not grow enough in a small tank or a 10 gal tank to keep a mandarin going for very long. They need a well established tank with a lot of live rock and lots and lots of pods.
The yasha goby and shrimp are a most interesting pair for a small tank. They have nice colors and are easy keepers.......I know of people that have them in a 3 quart tank so a 5.5 would be huge for them. Rarely do they ever go more than a few inches form their sand burrow. Another well suited fish for a small tank is a blue neon goby.


New Member
i have a 6 gallon nano-cube, i have two green chromis, a clown goby, two camel shrimp, the biggest mexican turbo youll ever see, emerald crabs, hermit crabs, a nudibranch, a boxing crab, 4 little torchon snails, some bumble bees, thousands of isopods, greens and unfortunately a huge amount of aiptasia. everything is thriving.


Some of you miss the point of what you can make work and what should work. With enough work you can make any set-up work, but I really think it's kinda selfish. It's almost like you like the challenge of how small you can go with how much live stock. I like a challenge, but these are animals.
Personally I think it's possible to run 1 fish in a 5 gallon, but shouldn't be done. It's a decoration at that size. Once you put LR and LS in there there is probably less than 3 gallons of actual water in the tank. Not much room.
To each their own.
If you choose to run a fish, please do research on what works best. Small!


Active Member
So why would a small pico or small nano sized tank be considered a decoration when a 20 gal or so is not? Care to expoound on that reasoning? I tend to view all tanks nbo matter what size they are as some kind of decoration and entertainment to some degree or other. I know some are going to come up and say its a environment they like to watch and study, but tell me just how many are writing a paper on it then?
BNG, clowns even a small clown will outgrow a small tank as such pretty quick......stick with the know smaller species. Each time you catch them and trade em you really stress em out, and if you never tried to catch a fish in a tank with corals and live rock etc before and it makes no matter as to the tanks size either be it a 2 gal or a 210 gal, its not the easiest thing to do, so try and pick a fish that stays relatively small and that can theoretically call that tank its permanent home. I know people do buyt small fisha nd trade em in when they get big, but it does have some drawbacks associated with that practice. Its all together possible to find a small speices of fish that will thrive and do just fine in a small tank.....just do not impulse buy the first speices that comes along.