Any full tank pics of 44 gallon corner tanks?


I have one that I am ever so slowly adding to. Man, this can be expensive! Here is mine. I know, a lot of work has to be done, but the funds only allow for a bit at a time! LOL I was just wanting to see some other setups with this sort of tank. Thanks.



dude, that is freaky. When i started my first tank up it was the exact same tank, with the exact same two fish with a very similar live rock set-up.
Will post pics when i get home from school


I'd love to see them! I have had this tank for about 3 years. Started with seahorses. I am now going to try a small reef with some of the hardier species. There are also 3 other fish in there, a choc. chip starfish, (which I understand I may have to get rid of when I go reef), an emerald crab, several hermits, and a couple of turbos. I am wanting to get some plants for a little greenery but I have to travel about an hour and a half to get them. I ordered a plant locally not knowing what they would send,(they said they weren't sure either), and I ended up getting a mangrove pod! Not exactly what I had in mind! Oh well, life goes on. LOL I have a fluval 304 in it with all the media taken out with just charcoal bags in it, and 2 powerheads. The light is a metal halide 75 W I believe. Any suggestions on getting me started in the right direction, please let me know. I am thinking about a feather duster, and maybe a hair mushroom, and possibly a toadstool leather. What do you think about these beginner choices? Any input would appreciated. Thanks.


a valentini puffer and a school of clown fish would be awesome :happyfish


Aren't puffers a little hard to keep? I am looking for some starting reef inhabitants, not so much fish right now. Thanks for the reply. Also, I have a coral banded shrimp. How could I for get him? lol Here are some pics. of the ones I could get.



valentines are hardy and reef safe but they would go perfect in your tank


But be carefull w/ valentiniz cuz i had one yeah it wuz reef safe but cleaner shrimp after cleaner shrimp i learned that those guys definatly r not invert safe----even my snails

i would stay away cuz shrimp are so beautiful-when alive