Any good corals you can reccomend

No tunicates since they are poisonous.......Sponges imo are dull

I too like sun corals but they do create an extreme amount of waste and if you would liek to prevent that most people take the coral out stick it in a bowl with their water and feed it their until its grows too big..
So i would say i big o'l sea fan (blueberry gorgian is the best


Alright I'm thinking of investing in a gorgronian. Can I give them marine snow? Also are sponges poisonous? I think I heard that somewhere.
like i stated tunicates are the sponges that are posonious but any other ones will be fine

also gorgains eat anything that is not too big


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
No tunicates since they are poisonous.......Sponges imo are dull

I too like sun corals but they do create an extreme amount of waste and if you would liek to prevent that most people take the coral out stick it in a bowl with their water and feed it their until its grows too big..
So i would say i big o'l sea fan (blueberry gorgian is the best

The amount of CONSTANT planktonic foods required to even attempt to keep a blueberry gorgonian alive will likely be even greater an issue than it would be for a sun coral. Many expert aquarists have failed with these and many other non-photosynthetic gorgonians.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crabsrkewl
Any good corals that would classify as non photosynthetic or whatever
How experienced are you and how far are you willing to go to make things work? Remember that these animals cannot use light as an energy source and must be fed - in many cases more food than is practical for the average aquarist. In other cases, their needs are not even completely understood and they may waste away despite all of your best efforts.
well i have a blueberry gorgain in qt waiting to put in another tank
and i have a yellow gorgain going on 16 months
yes i have pics (posted some)
i feed them fine invert food
It is located in front of a power head with a cheap wave amker system (just one of those powerstrips that turn the power heads on and off
any more questions? My pic of the yellow gorg can be found in the frag techniques because i was tyring to frag it as of now the blueberry is still in qt due to some rot when i bought it


Originally Posted by MX#28
How experienced are you and how far are you willing to go to make things work? Remember that these animals cannot use light as an energy source and must be fed - in many cases more food than is practical for the average aquarist. In other cases, their needs are not even completely understood and they may waste away despite all of your best efforts.
Well I wouldn't really call myself an expert but I guess I would like to stick to gorgronians and sponges. I dunno about a blueberry one yet but does anyone know anything about the 3 sold here.
I just noticed I've been spelling gorgonian wrong all this time. Oh well


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
well i have a blueberry gorgain in qt waiting to put in another tank
and i have a yellow gorgain going on 16 months
You should post a section on your 'yellow' gorgonian here in the non-photo forum. It would be good to:
1) ID it
2) Discuss growth/recession (before and after photos are good)
3) Discuss the husbandry (tank size, what food, how often fed, water flow, lighting, etc, etc, etc)
I know you've posted a few things, but let's take a closer look.


I just ordered a yella (that's the kewl(ha ha a clever reference to my name) to spell yellow) gorgonian. Can't wait til it arrives. Any last minute tips?