any good experiences with a Sohal?



I saw a Sohal Tang for the first time yesterday at the lfs. It was gorgeous! Pictures don't do it justice! I have always wanted one and have a 200 gal (big enough?) that's 3 yrs. So, any good stories? The only other tangs I have are of the zebrasoma genus. I have heard that they are unusually aggressive.


Awesome fish! I love that pic! Thanks for the input ;)


Active Member
Mine is very tempermental and displays high agression especially during feeding time. It shares a 125g with YT,PT and emperor angel.
Very hardy , eats really well, always wants to be "king".


Active Member
I am not too proud to say it.
In my life, I have only been afraid of two fish (OK, when I worked at an LFS)
One was a fairly sizable queen trigger.
The other was a sohal tang.
Man, that thing would come after me every time I put a hand in its tank to clean. Definitely could have some aggressive tendancies! :D But overall, I think pretty tough...


Active Member
What do you have in your 200g? It needs a lot of open swimming space, and will not tolerate any other similarly sized, shaped, or colored fish. Very hardy, and will gorge itself on just about any food. Great fish, if you can handle one. Bo


Active Member
wow, mine must be special?
never aggresive at all, all fish chase each other here and there, no really nasty agressition,
never would be agressive towards me either,
the only exception is my half moon damsel, pecks my hand all the time, dont hurt but startles the heck out of me:mad:

aquarius 1

My Uncle has a Sohal in a 150 with a bunch of other Tangs and Angels and he's never had a problem. I've read all the horror stories on these fish and I've never seen this fish act in the way and he's a couple of years old now. The Sohal is a monstrous fish and an incredible feeder. He's basically bulletproof when it comes to diseases too. If I had the money and a bigger tank, I'd definitely get a Sohal.


Active Member
I loved mine when I had an agressive fish only tank for about a year. No problems with any other fish, inlcuding my yellow tang...
It's a beautiful, tireless fish (which makes it tough to catch!). I agree with the post that says Sohol's are practically bullet proof when it comes to diseases...mine sure was...
I traded it in when I decided to convert the fish tank to a reef tank.

tony detroit

Active Member
I have one in my 180 and he is a very good fish. You are right, pictures do NO justice of these fish, absolutely beautiful. The only problems I have with mine is that he chases my yellow stingray occassionally. The only thing mine eats is seaweed selects, never any frozen food, but I feed my tank a ton of seaweed as well as macroalgae from the refugium so he's never hungry I assume. Other than chasing my ray, he's a sweet fish. Whenever anyone comes over they say that is their favorite fish.