Any good LFS's in South Florida?


I have always gone to Beverly's pet center in Pembroke pines, but am wondering of other quality places.
Preferably in Ft. Lauderdale


Try Barrier Reef In Boca off 2nd street on Glades road. Marine Life Designs off Powerline and S.W. 10th st. and Aquacon in Sunrise on University Dr.
Went to Marine life designs yesterday picked up a flame angel. had a choice of 20. They have a huge supply of fish and corals. Hope this helps you out.


Even though I am a serious Steelers fan, I will take your advice. LOL Thanks!!
BTW, the fins are my pick to be the team to beat. Good luck this year.


Where do you sleep, in the garage? LOL Ours runs the house. Our Akita is terrified of him since the "tongue biting" incident.


Active Member
ouch! actually all are well behaved, :) they are 6,the BG 7the grey and the amazon is 8 years old, all raised from chics by me


I went to Marine Life designs today and was a bit disappointed. Not much coral. Several dead specimens rotting away to bones in the small species tank and the selection was very small for a "warehouse" type place.
They did have 4500 Yellow tangs, 25000 clowns of varies species. LOL


Reef Life in Dania says they are located at 5925 Ravenswood Dr. Is that the same street as Angler Ave? Hmmm, just curious.


Try Aquacon they have a better selection of corals.They look healthy too.
By the way the fins aren't going any where until we get a real coach. He signs Seau and sammy knight. What is that? 11 pro bowlers on defense?We needed to address the teams biggest problem. O- line esp. left tackle. Could not believe they did not sign your boy, Gandy. Then he says we did not have the money. Yeah right , he Signs Seau, Knight , and brian. We have the best running back in the business.He ran for over 1800 yards behind a garbage line.Dixon will never hold up at tackle. Can't remember when he played the entire season. A fustrated dolphin fan!!


Gandy is waaay overpaid. A good lineman, but not worth THAT kind of money. Besides, if you had a back that ran for 1800 yards, why do you need a better O line?
Pittsburgh's philosophy.... "Defense wins championships".
You can't have everything! You guys will be there at the end. Good luck and hope to see them lose to the Steelers in the AFC title game.


Active Member
yes anglers ave and Ravenswood dr are the same,
Aquacon is way overpriced, also try coral seas 5460 N State rd 7, suite 116, ft lauderdale ,


I went to Reef Life in Dania and it was a small warehouse with some DAMN amazing corals and tons of mushrooms. Great guy working there helped me a lot. He reached in to the sump and grabbed a handful of ...pods? There mandarins were chubby and long lived. The little things moved like silverfish. LOL
Like everywhere the dry goods were overpriced, but an excellent store for corals.
Aquacon was closed today. Oh well, soon enough.
Thanks again!


Lobster, I have changed a bunch of stuff. I got robbed on my 260w PC and returned it. Now I am waiting on an mail ordered one from a great company. hellolights.
I will get more pics as soon as the lights come in.
BTW, I have been meaning to write you back, so hang on!!
Ok, Aquacon aka, Wetpets is an awesome place!! They have a fantastic variety and are extremely helpful. The have a bunch of great package deals which are very reasonably priced.