Any good magazines?


Active Member
I like Freshwater and Marine Aquarium. (Some people just call it FAMA.) There are obviously articals on freshwater stuff that you might not want, but the sw stuff is good. I personally think there are way to many advertisements in it, but I guess they have to make money where they can get it.
I've also read Marine Fish and Reef USA but I think that only comes out once a year?


New Member
Coral Magazine just came out this month, very informative. It's a bimonthly mag........ it's been in print in Germany for some time and was just expanded to the US....


I don't know of any "good" ones. I dislike the whole "USA Pets magazine" line up.



Originally posted by FlyDan
I like Freshwater and Marine Aquarium. (Some people just call it FAMA.) There are obviously articals on freshwater stuff that you might not want, but the sw stuff is good. I personally think there are way to many advertisements in it, but I guess they have to make money where they can get it.
I've also read Marine Fish and Reef USA but I think that only comes out once a year?

Thanks! I see you're an ATC! Awesome - I haven't flown in a few years, but did recreationally for quite a few years. (my uncle had a C172 he'd let me fly around in). I miss it, to be honest, but it's just too expensive right now. How do you like it? I would consider doing that, I think it would be a fun job, albeit stressful at times I bet. Keep up the good work, you guys are underappreciated!