Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/386758/any-help#post_3399293
Miss my post much?
Yes, I did indeed...oops! I JUST saw both of your posts. Mea culpa.
In my defense, I do have lots of trouble with this site, on and off...I've totally given up posting pix for that reason. The "improvements" killed Renee and me as far as "usability" is concerned (which is why she rarely pops in).
Since the fish is indeed a "soapfish", there's a good chance it may nuke the tank if it becomes "unhappy" for some reason.
The whole microbubble thing is one of "those tales", altho there is SOME validity where SH are concerned. It is suspected that the microbubbles lead to higher dissolved O2 content, which may cause more instances of EGBD and/or PE in males. As far as a fish's gills are concerned, nope. In fact, fishes with closed opercula (like SH) would be prime targets for "gill bubbles" if this were a true phenomenon due to the fact that less water can pass thru the fish's gills because it's all forced out of the little holes on the top of their head.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/386758/any-help#post_3399293
Miss my post much?

Yes, I did indeed...oops! I JUST saw both of your posts. Mea culpa.
In my defense, I do have lots of trouble with this site, on and off...I've totally given up posting pix for that reason. The "improvements" killed Renee and me as far as "usability" is concerned (which is why she rarely pops in).
Since the fish is indeed a "soapfish", there's a good chance it may nuke the tank if it becomes "unhappy" for some reason.
The whole microbubble thing is one of "those tales", altho there is SOME validity where SH are concerned. It is suspected that the microbubbles lead to higher dissolved O2 content, which may cause more instances of EGBD and/or PE in males. As far as a fish's gills are concerned, nope. In fact, fishes with closed opercula (like SH) would be prime targets for "gill bubbles" if this were a true phenomenon due to the fact that less water can pass thru the fish's gills because it's all forced out of the little holes on the top of their head.