Any hope


New Member
I am starting up a 35 gallon for the first time, right now the only thing I have in it is some live sand and about 45 pounds of live Fiji rock. I was in the process of curing the rock and hit a bit of a snag. I was doing a partial water change and in error water with a low sality got mixed into the tank. It caused the specific gravity to dip to about 1.019. I panicked a and quickly threw in some instant ocean to get it back to a safe zone. Though it was only for a few minutes, I am concerned I have caused harm to the live rock when the gravity dipped below the safe zone? I am also concerned about mixing the instant ocean directly into my tank? Any thoughts...any hope? How hardy is live rock to changes? Would this kill it?


Active Member
Since you're curing the rock I wouldn't worry about it. There's going to be alot of die-off anyway. Once the rock is cured and the tank is cycled, be sure the salinity is good and stable before adding anything to the tank. :D