Any idea what the &*%$ this is??


Was in my local lfs and they had a rock in a tank and there was this in it. The body was long and slender, kind of like a tube anenome but smaller in diameter, and kind of a long square when it inflated with water. At the end were about 5 or 6 arms it could suck inside itself. The arms looked kind of hairy, like a small brittle starfish's. Body kind of reminded me of that movie with Kevin Bacon, Tremors.
Larry :cool:


hey zeppelin
this has nothing to do with your post just your user name. I am a HUGE zeppelin fan I've been collecting boots for years. It's great to see someone else who loves this great hobby and THE greatest band ever!!!!!!


Active Member
A zeppelin is also a blimp...heh do you know he named himself after the band?


Ya, its the band. Been my username on most of the message boards I visit for about 5 years or so. I have allot of boots too. Albums and CDs. I also have one of the "Presence" plaster obilisks that were done when the album first came out. Only 1,000 were done. Dont know how many survived. Dont still have the box though. YA, great band. Zeppelin and Black Sabbath paved the way for allot of bands. Two GREAT frontmen there now! :D


It's funny that you mention sabbeth. I seen ozzy's farewell concert at MSG in late 70's and the warmup band was van halen!