Any Idea What This Is?


Active Member
This silky looking bubble formed yesterday on the substrate next to some LR. It's still there today.
Any ideas?

nm reef

Active Member
Do you happen to have a wrasse...maybe a your reef. They are known to spin a web for sleep/protection...that may be what you are describing.


Active Member
I have never made such a wild guess with nothing to back it up......but it looks like a egg sac to me of something. Just a wild guess. Anyone ever have their bristleworms reproduce? got a pic of the sac? I'm going to give this to a guy I trust for IDs, but reject metal theories from.:D :D :D


Active Member
Sammy, too funny.
Nmreef; I don't have a wrasse in that tank. It's a reef that's been up for about 18 months. Yellow tang, flame cardinal, scissortail goby, firefish, neon goby and a perc. Only a cleaner shrimp and the variety of snails, astrea, cerith, nassarius. One thought I had was anemone waste sac but it's never been clear and silky like this.


Active Member
OOPS! I realized I lied. NMReef, I forgot I do have a blue headed fairy wrasse in that tank. Must have been the beer and sun:rolleyes:
I seems odd though that he would create a nest up front like that when there are caves everywhere. And, it's much smaller than the wrasse. Good thought though. I've seen some of the sleeping bags on video.


i had something like that before... someone said it was snail eggs... if the same thing that happend to me will happen to yours, it will disapear in a couple of days.. and then a week later, you will see very small white dots on your glass... i accidentally scraped them away, but if you dont, you may end up with a bunch of snails.....
just a thought.

nm reef

Active Member
The thought of a wrasse sleeping sac was just a shot in the dark...the 6-line I had spun one that would look sort of like your pic. Very interesting topic but I really don't have a clue what it is...:cool:


Active Member
This morning it was gone so elan may have the answer there. I'll keep an eye out for new snails, etc and let y'all know. Thanks for your help.


i had some bristleworms that would make bubbles like that around their food. It would stay for a few days then fall apart.