Any ideas about treating purple tang?


HELP! My purple tang DEFINITELY has spots all over him. No question now...before they would come and go and be very fair in color. Now they are BOLD white spots...and all over. When I get out of work tonight, he is going in a 10 gallon tank by himself. At that point, what would I do? No sand or lr right? What should my salinity be? Temp? PH? What do I treat him with? Sorry for all the questions, but the last one is...what percentage of possibilty says that now I will have OTHER fish sick? Or if I get him out he wont spread his disease?
pleeeeeeeeeeeeease help!!
Is hypo the only way to go? And what exactly IS hypo? (and yes I have inverts in the main tank)


What options do I have BESIDES hypo? Is hypo the best bet? If I get a cleaner shrimp, will he actually clean the ick off of my tang and prevent them from getting it in the future combined with my UV sterilizer?


Active Member
Your best bet is to put him in QT. Go with the hypo and copper. There is no way that a cleaner shrimp will acllimate and then get the job done. If you see alot of spots then it is too far gone. You could also try the dip. Put the fish in Freshwater for an hour or so. That will help get rid of some of the buggers, although you still need to treat the fish (all of them) in a QT tank. Just do it. I know it is a real hassle, but that saltwater for ya.
Good Luck.


If I put him in a QT and use copper, do I have to do hypo? And again, has his disease spread to all all of my other fish? Do I have to treat them ALL? Are inverts, corals and things safe from ich?


PLEASE...ANYONE have any input? I leave work in 50 mins to go home and start this up. From what I've gathered today, the first thing I should do is put my purple tang in freshwater for an hour? Then put him in a QT with the same PH, Temp and salinity as my main tank...then lower the salinity at 12, 24 and 36 hours and wait until the salinity is 12-14% of the main tank...1.009 specific gravity.
Does everyone think the freshwater dip is necessary for ich? And again, do I need to treat EVERY fish???


Staff member
No freshwater dips. This is extremely stressful for fish unless you are very learned in this procedure. Hyposalinity is the best thing to do. The procedure is well documented in the FAQ Thread. YOu will need a QT and to catch this fish. However, all fish really need to be hypo-ed, or you will be wasting your time.
What's in your 90 gal? Do you have LR, inverts? How can you put all the fish in 10gals? What fish do you have?