any info on Chalk basslet????


I was just wondering if anybody knew alot about these little guys......How many do you think I could put into a 30 gal ???? what do these little guys eat anyway??? And what would be the best clown fish to put in a 30 gal ??? could I put a clown and a few chalk basslets in there?? just wanted to find some stuff out about them before I got one of either...........:thinking:


I've got one... Real nice fish, very shy at first but pretty bold once acclimated.
Pretty neat to watch swim, as they can stop and hover on a dime... And they're eyes are always following you



Originally posted by pacopetty
You can only put one in or they will fight.

From this site:
They are great for reef tanks and will accept most fish foods. They can be kept in small groups.

I'm about to get two of them -- I was under the impression they'd be fine. Am I wrong?


That is a good question zer, I have read that you can put more than one in a tank , and they do well in small groups. But for some reason people have been contridicting that, the magazine that I have also said they do well in small groups, so I am confused now. Which one is it???? is it ok,or is it not??? I read that some basslets cant be kept in pairs or groups but that was other types of basslets.:thinking: :thinking: :notsure:


Count me with the confused members...does anyone have experience with these guys? I have read they are nice little guys that can be in groups. First hand stories please!


I just added a second one and no problems whatsoever, the two of them were hanging out together right out front.


I feed them mysis shrimp and they eat like pigs. Now they are often hanging out together. As of this morning they were both hanging out to one side of my reef.


Hey JmesMcM do you have any pics you could post of the little guy, so that I can see how they look in your tank???? thanks for the responses everyone................


New Member
I have two and they are great together. Initially shy, but not any more. Quick question, does anybody know their breeding habits? (egg layers, livebearers, mouth brooders etc?) Thanks


We got one a couple of weeks ago and at first he hid behind the lr but he's started to swim around some. We feed ours flake, and it eats it pretty good. We have him in a 29 gallon with a yellow tail damsel, gold striped maroon clown, and a bicolor blenny. I'll try to post a pic of him later, I don't have time tonight. Sorry.


I'll try to post a picture but I don't know if it will work or not.
Sorry it's a little blurry but I think I got it to work.