Any info on Red Coris Wrasse?

Does anybody have any experience with these? Coris gaimard, red coris wrasse (or yellowtail coris).
These are so beautiful, and not too expensive. Just wondering why I don't hear more about them.


Good ? i want one to.. I did alot of research and The conclution ive come to is that there poor shippers..and may be a lil difficult to innitiate feeding...... But if you get one that comes live and does well for a month they should be a VERY hardy fish.. If you want one i suggest you get it from somewhere that guarentees live deliveries on them (I kNow of one) or you can order it from a lfs


Active Member
Delicate shippers that are injured easy both in shipping and when caught in the ocean. Recommeded shipping is in oversized bags for these animals.
My suggestuion is not to buy one online but buy one from a lfs. Ask them to hold the animal for 2-3 weeks. pay a little extra if you have too.
That fish could die after any online guarantee expires and you are out all the money. THis way, you will probably pay a little less as you do not have to pay shipping...and you can let the lfs get it eating. The time will also allow the animal to heal if it has injuried from shipping, etc.
This is the only way I would even attempt to buy one. Less risky in my opinion.
All this being said, these animals are better off left in the ocean as their track record for survival is not good.


Active Member
No....I do not agree totally but if eating it does significantly help. Getting to the tank healthy will increase odds for success but still a delicate animal that can be "spooked". Even though the animal may eat, it could develop infection from the injuries sustained in shipping or capture...even from the short journey from lfs. . If the fish is eating it has a better chance of receovering and/or surviving . A very delicate fish that can simply stop eating and bury itself in substrate for days only to further deteriorate. They also in my opinion are easily spooked and will simply bury and stop eating. THe lfs could even injure the animal when catching. This is just some of the problems with the red coris and why you do not see much of a guarantee past the opening of the box on internet sites .
Another reason why purchasing this fish on-line does not protect you much as most if not all sites only will guarantee the fish will arrive alive...but nothing past the minute after opening the box.
I still feel going the lfs route raises the chance for success..
THey require a deep sand bed too...not a "shallow" one.
Better to leave them in the ocean, as many will die for every one that thrives for years in the home aquarium
Another poster here on this site corrected me and claimed this was a hardy fish and was listed as such in books.
I have to disagree with this until proven otherwise. You alswys see this animal on the delicate list and better left in the ocean list.
This does not mean that they cannot be kept....just reduced odds for success. Always exceptions.......deep sand bed will help this animal feel more comfy.


you need a very established tank as they also eat pods mainly when young. They will eat baby snails and larger ones as they grow. they sleep in the sand so a sand bed is a MUST. They are very beautiful fish. I strongly suggest you buy it at a fish store not online. I found one at a place in Mass and watched it eat (i didn't buy it lol just wanted to see it eat) And it ate happily. I would make SURE it eats, of course, before buying it. Mysis would be a good food for it.