New Member
I was just given a 90 gal tank with stand. It came with a sump and HOB overflow. No holes drilled into this tank. I don't think I will use the sump until I get things running for a few months. Couple of questions about the setup. The guy I got all of this from hasn't used it for a couple of years. There is sand in there, about an 1-1.5 inches. Should I take the sand out and start all over or should I keep it in there? I'm buying Formosa lights, 4X65 I believe. Sound good for FOWLR maybe some soft coral later on? Will three powerheads suffice (2 300 gph and 1 150 gph)? Titanium vs. glass heater; which is better? I've heard differing point's of view on this one. I have more questions but I won't overload on my first post. Thanks!