Any interest in a 7-8 inch Queen Angel from Green Bay, WI


I have a very nice large Queen Angel that is getting a little agressive for my yellow tang and yellow eye tang, and my pink square anthias. He is fine with inverts like cleaner shrimp. My lfs is offering half retail in store credit. I would consider some type of fair trade, but it might take a coral and a fish to equall this one.


yes, some thing like $80 and you pay the shipping. He resides in the 75 gal with a yellow tang, kole tang, pink square anthias, lawn mower blennie, banded coral shrimp, skunk cleaner shrimp, sebae clown, and long tentacle anemone. The kole tang is the only new occupant in the last 2 years. He lived happily in my reef until he was half grown, then he decided to nibble at every type of coral. I feed him seaweed paper, lettuce, and mysis shrimp.
P.S. I'll need some instruction if I ship him. I never shipped any fish.
If I were to buy it I would drive down to pick it up instead. I am at most 3 1/2 hours from you and would feel much safer that way.
I need to check with my wife and see if she wants that big of a queen angel.