any kids 16 and under??



Hey guys im 16 and have several tanks and i was wondering if there are and more of me besides my friends!!!!


Active Member
I'm 16.
We have a thread going with lots of pics. Search for "teenagers and other young people post pics" or something like that.


im 15...i gotta 90, 180, 40, and 10 (the 10 is fresh)
also ur name i take it u sled too?


Hi, im 14, Ive got a 75 Gallon reef, and a 30 gallon Fresh cichlad tank.


he means Cichlids**** (freshwater)
what type of cichlids do u have i had them since i was 6 until last year...and bred 18 different species


AWSOME!!!! I Had cichlids too, thats the best thing to before going into salt. I had african cichlids.they where awsome but i litttle too agressive. i had for over 5 years. They are so much easier to breed the salt. They like spawn ever like month. and they are mouth brooders so u dont have worry bout they young but u do have worry about the female. CiHLIDS are the bomb.:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:


Hey ross, what got u into this, I know all of my friends started this for me...??Ill send a pic. once my good comp. isnt broke!!


Active Member
16 here -
I had a 10 gallon that i setup as a temporary hold (sister bought 2 dempseys for a 5 gallon - needed to be seperated), but that is down now, and in it's place is a convient 29 gallon with cichids (these are all american cichlids, my dad used to have africans, and i like the americans better just because i think they have more "personality").
I have a 5 gallon hex in my little sisters room (6 years) that i maintain for her with 2 rosy barbs thats pretty nicely planted. No PC lights needed either, just the whimpy incadescent one that came with it did the job due to the sunlight her room gets - No algae luckily though
5 gallon eclipse downstairs that only has 3 snails in it now - soon to probably be a dwarf puffer tank or maybe a betta.
28 (wierd metric sized tank - ViaAqua - got it for almost free :) ) With a large oscar in it and 2 african claw frogs and a small pleco of some sort (doesn't seem to be growing near the rate of normal pleco's, it's striped white - so who knows). The tank is getting smaller as we speak (ohh, wait, maybe thats the huge fish just growing still :nervous: )...uh oh, i sense a 55 kit from wallmart to replace that tank.
30 gallon going up soon in place of the 10 out of my room (dads taking 10 into office). Just gotta finish painting which is actually my plans for today, take the carpet up, and pray for nice hardwood beneith - otherwise i'm gonna be shopping for a bunch of area rugs. This one is going to start as FOWLR and eventually be converted into a reef with gradual investments :thinking: .
All I have to say is I'm lucky I only have to pay for 1/2 my car insurance (get parents gas card, and a car to use), my gaurding recertification, and my girlfriend. Otherwise, my wallet would not be able to support these tanks. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by slednecks
Hey ross, what got u into this, I know all of my friends started this for me...??Ill send a pic. once my good comp. isnt broke!!

Like everyone else in this thread i was breeding cichilds (mostly african...cyntilopia afra and labidichroms caerules (sp)) and of course i had some convicts that had babies like every other day:rolleyes: Then one day in the lfs i saw a flame angel and thought it was the coolest fish ever! so i setup a sw and the rest is history....
For pics check out the thread in the photo section.