any kids 16 and under??


hey im 14 i have a 10 fresh 6 months (like the 3rd time ive got restarted on fresh) and then a 30 salt 1 week and a 55 for the doctor that i go to well not yet dont know if i am going to get the funds to do it or not i hope i do :( ;-; anyways nice to meet you all


Staff member
Yep, great to see the kids entering the hobby. I'll refrain from giving you motherly advise.


hey all u who have kep cichlids. What is the most docile cichlid that can be put in a 10 gallon. I have never kep one except that i have heard a gourami is one and i have one of those. Most boring fish ever, I would give it back but my brother loves it bcuz it's orange


fishy, screw gourami they get old fast...i know i used to breed them...get some convicts like 2 or 3 they wont get old and there a great starter Cichlid


well this was my first ever fish tank and my brother really wanted one. i have a 10 gallon tank and was looking more along the liines of a community cichlid. I may be getting a bigger tank to turn into a convict breeding tank but this si just for now.



Originally posted by Beth
Yep, great to see the kids entering the hobby. I'll refrain from giving you motherly advise.

I was thinking the same. Also I will refrain myself from spilling out my age......... :)
Hey all, 15 in January
I have no SW tanks as of yet... house re-hab, too dangerous to have something so fragile around yet. I've had a bunch of freshies (don't anymore) a 55 coupla 20's stuff like that. right now I have bowls and a ten fresh:nope: I'm so wimpy compared to most of these other people.

BTW you guys can stop crying now cuz I'M BAAACK!
Yeah baby!



Originally posted by YellowTail
omg !!! 1200 gallons?lets see pictures

oh no its a south american pond :) sry i should of said 1200 gallon "pond" my bad