Any Lion safe triggers out there?


Active Member
I have thought about a Pinktail, Blue Jaw, and even a Niger..but the risk always outweighs the chance of success.
I would love to have one of these active characters but not at the risk of them shredding my beloved Lion while I sleep or am at work all day.
Anyone have suggestions? Or just can the trigger till the day my lion passes on and then get the trigger.


I had a humu humu with mine and niether of them ever bothered eachother. Of course my lion was huge, but i would just make sure the lion is bigger.


I keep a Pinktail with mine but have seen them go bad, just like the Niger, I personally think you can do both, your best bet would be a BlueThroat, Crosshatch or Sargassum Trigger.
Bluethroats are common, Crosshatch is expensive, I like the Sargassum, not one you see everyday.


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"BlueThroat, Crosshatch or Sargassum Trigger"
This seems to be the standard answer concerning Lions. Has anyone ever have or heard of any of these going bad?


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I had a bluethroat that would team up with a humu humu and pick on a striped burrfish that was about 4 times their size.


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LFS so called expert says Nigers are the safest, but I have read on here of multiple Nigers shreading Lions.
Does a lot of it have to do with tank size?


Does a lot of it have to do with tank size?
It maybe a combination between space that is required and the individual fish. Trigger are fast swimmers and require territories where lions are Non Aggressive predatory and easy targets.


Personally, I think the only problems are when people cram lionfish and triggers into 50-75g tanks, which is quite common. In a suitable tank I would put my money on almost any trigger living perfectly fine with a lionfish. I have personally kept a niger trigger and pink tail trigger with a volitans lion for over 3 years with no sign of attacking the lion.


my girlyfriend has a niger in with her lion and they never touch each other


only time triggers nipp at lions is when they get hungry
with my first pinktail i tried feeding every three days
but the trigger would get hungry and really nip at the lion
but as soon as i fed him a little bit each days its fine
same story with my pink tail now


Same here. I have had Nigers, Humus, and Clowns with lions ...trick is to have a decent sized tank, 100+ id say minimum...probably recommend 125+ and have the lion a little larger. (Not too much larger...anything that can fit into a lions mouth becomes lunch
) My Niger never gave me problems with the lion. The Humu did only when he was hungry, hed nip at the lion on occasion. The Clown I don't recommend ...he was a pain in the ass, and eventually had to separate the two. Hope this helps.

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Originally Posted by 95Harley
"BlueThroat, Crosshatch or Sargassum Trigger"
This seems to be the standard answer concerning Lions. Has anyone ever have or heard of any of these going bad?

Same here the crosshatch is " the only real reef safe trigger." as said by many. I have seen others, but the Blue Throat is alomost as nice and has a smaller price tag, and you might even get a male and female if the tank is the right size. That is nice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
"BlueThroat, Crosshatch or Sargassum Trigger"
This seems to be the standard answer concerning Lions.
hawaiian blacks ive also heard of doing fine, imo almost any reef safe trigger will do..

shark bait

Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
hawaiian blacks ive also heard of doing fine, imo almost any reef safe trigger will do..

They are more like the Niger in many ways.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
have you ever dealt with a big one
in pretty much every aspect
they even can be a trigger that will snap
huh, i thot they wer reef safe....


i thot they wer reef safe....
Sharkboy13, Just to help clear this up a little, the Melichthys Niger a.k.a "hawaiian blacks" / Black Durgon, are Melichthys, same family as the Pinktail (Melichthys vidua).


Active Member
Originally Posted by V-Lioness
Sharkboy13, Just to help clear this up a little, the Melichthys Niger a.k.a "hawaiian blacks" / Black Durgon, are Melichthys, same family as the Pinktail (Melichthys vidua).
ooooh so they can be kept but have a less likelyness to snap


I hear Titan Triggers are pretty docile. I have one and she's a sweetheart!