Any Lion safe triggers out there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggcity
I hear Titan Triggers are pretty docile. I have one and she's a sweetheart!
......i think ur the only one who would say that here....


Hey, I respected your opinions. A little curtisy please.


so they can be kept but have a less likelyness to snap
Right, This is where it will depend on the fish, unlike a Titan, that is a little more predictable and chances are the clock would be ticking...... Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock....



Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggcity
Hey, I respected your opinions. A little curtisy please.
well i respect ur opinion but its more likely ur stocklist will come crashing down upon u than it succeeding. titans from what ive seen r nasty ppl. clowns tho ive seen incredulousy nice ones i would still say r likely to snap

shark bait

Looks like you got to the question prior to myself. Shark boy they are right about this, A black is much like a niger. I have seen them act much like a true trigger and do things you would say " hua, never saw that before." so It again is really up to the fish to be nice or nip. But as we know "nothing in life is sure accept for death and taxes."