Any luck with pilot shrimp and watchman goby?


As soon as my l/r arrives, I'll be starting another reef tank with an extra 10g I have lying around. I have been reading and interested in getting a pilot shrimp and a watchman goby. I think it'll be neat watching them interact with one another. Has anyone had any luck with this combination? If so, what specie goby do you reccommend? I know it's probably be a hit or miss with this, just like clowns and anemone, but I want to try it out. Also, is a 10g too small for a goby?


Did I say pilot? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> I meant pistol shrimps. Yeah, I heard that too, but no one seems to talk about it.


New Member
hello i saw a pistol shrimp and orange spotted shrimp goby combo for 69 bucks at my lfs!! it was coo seein it though
they make a cool combo, btu you need to catch them at the right time to really see anything exciting. kind of like a clown and its anenome.


pistol shrimp and watchman's are very cool to see. but you have to wait or get the pistol shrimp out in the open . the watchman follows the shrimp everywhere and will wait outside of his hole guarding it for him. really cool :cool: