any Marine Bettas out here?

I never owned one, but have watched them for hours at my LFS. They can swim perfectly backwards, which is cool. Just thought I would tell you that! Sorry, I'm not helpful. At least I bumped you!


acually called a cryptic comet or calloplesiops altivelis need lots of hiding places but they spend most of there time in the caves and overhangs. in tanks with more competitive fishes, care must be ttaken to ensure these fishes do not starve. rather than simply adding food to the tank, the aquarist must direct some meaty pieces toward the places where these fishes are hiding.
this is quoted from a book so i have no experiance in this but it is a pretty reliable book. they are rated as moderatly aggressive to docile so are not over aggressive.


Active Member

Originally posted by coloradodeb
what to expect If I order one

I would expect it to outgrow your tank......and quickly too. ;) I have seen them in the 8-10" range. Also, Marine Bettas are not reef safe fish.


OOPS.........I forgot to add that this will be going in an established (2 yr old) 120 gallon...........hoping that will be ok? and no corals in this far.......


Oh marine bettas my favourite fish! They are great fish, yes they will get max 8'' and they will be ok in a 55gal. They wont eat your fish but they can eat your pepermint shrimps and if you will add a small cleaner shrimp after adding a big marine betta, cleaner can be meal too but they wont harm anything else like big shrimps, corals, invert or small fish... In a 120 you can keep 2 of them so they will be out more often but if you are gonna keep tangs or angels or any active fish dont add marine bettas


WOW Terry, you have a big one... I want to buy one my lfs has a big one (and for more then $100) but i afraid if my dottyback will kill him? Good Luck w/ him... You are lucky yours getting enough food because w/ active fish like tang, they usually dont get enough food.
MBs arent good community fish IMO because they need spot feeding i mean i throw some food to the water and my fish eat them in few mins but when you have MB you should give him somefood extra, if you are doing this then they are great fish but if you dont have time or patiance to do this then you shouldnt buy one