any minnesota reefers here


I agree with half of what you are saying, They have a great selection. As for their prices, not a chance they are the highest priced store around.


Sorry, I'm stupid and coudln't find this post right away!
I go to Something Fishy and A World of Fish, they are both on 66th st. in Richfield, about a block away from one another. Both stores are very nice, and have good selection. You have to watch prices, as with everythign else.
Never been to Amazing FIsh. But will have to check it out!
And risc, sounds cool. If you need help, I'm interested. Very interested.


Forest Lake isn't to bad, Got my first piece there, But there is nothing like Florida Aquacultered. Premier pets in Ramsey just got there first shipment of live rock in , and is clean, but I have seen a couple critters come out so far.
Minnesota here as well. I go to a store called "K-9 Pet Store". Odd name but they have an awesome selection and the stock always looks fantastic.