Any need for medication while in hypo?

I have some formalin and I was wondering if it should be used in addition too hypo treatment? I'm in day four and the clown looks great. I can still see some white slime on his top fin(dorsal?), but it eats and looks happy. Thanks


Don't do it. You may be tempted to add medicine, to speed things up, or to help your fish.
I advise no. The big thing about hypo is that your fish are stronger than the ick, at least in most cases. Ick can not tolerate the low salinity.
It hangs on for awhile, but you win in the end.
Just get to the target specific gravity, and add a buffer agent to the water changes, to correct pH.
Wait four weeks to be safe!


Staff member
Matt, never add formalin to any tank. Formalin should only be used as a bathe in a short-term application. The procedure for formalin treatment is detailed in the FAQ thread. This is the only way to ever use formalin safely.
If you QT all your fish before they go into your tank, you will never have to worry about diseases. That is the only way to ever be safe. You can not acclimate new fish adequately from LFS water to hypo conditions within a few hrs.
There aren't too many short-cuts in this hobby,diubg things right pays off big time.