Any old friends still here???


Active Member
It's been a while. I see Beth and BangGuy are still around. How about NMReef, Sammy, RYe??
It's been a long time for me. I am still in the hobby and currently I am running a red sea max tank. I never knew how nice these were until I started this small reef. I used to only do large tanks but to be honest, this one has been the best so far.
So I was just stopping by to see if any old friends were here... Anyone heard from Rendos????? Is he still a ghost??


Active Member
Hey wamp, from another ex mod! In a previous life I was jwtrojan
. Rendos posts at --. Rye stopped by a few mos ago with a random post but I haven't seen him since. I thought of you awhile back while reading a moorish idol thread and I remember your story about the lfs who had one in some ridiculously small tank that had done quite well for a few years.
Glad to see you're still in the hobby. Hope all is well!


Active Member
JW how ya been? You know, that LFS store puts fish in tanks that are half what they are supposed to be in. It's surprising they are still in business.
Want to hear something AWFUL! I have a naso tang in my 38! Yeah, I have been blasted. I will be moving him in the next few months to my Neighbors 150. I "saved" him from another store.
I saw Rendos on -- a while back. I tried to contact him a few times but have not heard back.