Any one buy from:


aquariumlights on E B a y? They do custom lights and I want to know the quality. I'm considering the 6x 48" T5 lights.


I've looked into it before...the only thing is that these do not have individual reflectors like the TEK lights do, so you might not get the par ratings you would if you had the TEK lights. I believe sunlight supply is the way to go when it comes to t5s, that's pretty much everyone's opinion with t5.


For those who were wondering, i did some reasearch on "Aquariumd Universe"...AKA "AQUAUNIVERSE"...AKA "Catalina Aquariums"...also found out that they are located in northern california, they specialize in making aquarium products, and everyone who has bought products from them are very happy...sources of happy customers came from other forum boards...hope that helps


Hmm, too late. After reading a thread here calling Catalina absolute junk, I went with the 4x 54w Tek fixture. I sure hope it's enough, because that 6 x 54w was looking tasty for my 75gal. I see good things with the 4 x 54w on 55gal tanks and my tank is really about 65 when you subtract the wet/dry space, so I figured go with the best and hope the individual reflectors compensate for the loss of 2 bulbs.


SWF doesnt sell aquarium sure we will be the way i am curious to read the thread that says they are junk...would you send me the link to the thread on here that says that


Active Member
The board rules don't say anything about what the competitor does or does not sell, this has come up before. If you direct someone to a competitor, you may have cost SWF a sale on a different product available at the competitor's site. Please do not post the names of competing stores whether or not they sell the exact same products.


welcome to United States of America, where competition is LEGAL, MORAL, AND ETHICAL...just so you know, this is the best way to tell if a business is a good business;
for example:
SWF offers a price for something
I go, no thanks i can get something just like it over at; "some store"
SWF says, ok go check that out, but reminder, over there they dont guarentee anything, no warranties and no returns
2 days later
Yea, i checked into it all and im ready to order from you
ALL business know this; the consumer is going to find the best marginal value, and doing this, the competitors are going to meet this value. its a simple supply and demand chart...without competition, SWF might lose business...thanks for your input though...if SWF feels i had lost them any business they can email me


Active Member
No, this is a board owned by SWF. If you want to post other people's sites, go buy a server, install board software, get some bandwidth, then have a blast. I've reported this thread to the moderators.


I dont need to advertise other peoples companies. and i know this is owned by SWF...if you view other peoples threads and post, everyone talks about other i said its what the consumer does, compare and contrast...sorry your having a bad day


Active Member
Please then find a post where someone is directing a board member to another company's site to buy a product which was not edited by a board moderator.


Active Member
I don't see the name of a competitor in there, I see someone asking to have it emailed to them, which is not a post. Hiding links only shows that it is obviously against board policy otherwise they will not be hidden. BTW, it's not "buddy", in 6 months it will be Dr. As I've said, this has been submitted to the moderators and now I'm done with you.


#1:maybe you should read up on these threads about can be your doctor, my 16 weeks in junior college is making me a hell of alot more than you will ever make.
#2; read it again DR, i wouldnt give you any degree if you cant pick that out...
-example 1: he tells him that the website is the name with aquarium at the end, and to google it. therefore giving him the name of the company to google it...
-example 2: E-b-a-y (this thread)...and that thread "flea bay"
#3; tell every moderator and send a personal email to SWF...i would be happy to contact the Better Business Bureau and explain to them i was discriminated against on their websites forum message boards, by expressing what i felt was a good product, by giving the name of the company who specializes in making aquarium light fixtures
#4; im glad you were hear since year 2000...doesnt mean you own SWF
glad we came to an agreement dr. the way, what medical field are you in? obviously just about to come out of a university, which one would you mind sayin? your agronance is a key to your sucess


Originally Posted by Gen1Dustin
I did not know that hired police officers for the board.

hes much better than a police, hes a doctor