Any one Close to NH that has a DSB???

My LFS told me not to use a LS DSB. Well after reading about DSB's on this BB I belive thats what I should do. I have one 30# bag of CaribSea Aragonite and belive I can get some south down from my home depot a:how much do I need for my 105g b:should I add the caribsea(on top or bottom of sand bed)? and is there any one in NH, Mass or close by that has some Ls that I could get to seed my new DSB? I do plan on taking some LR out of my 58g in order to help seed it . :rolleyes:
Can any one help???? :eek:


Type “sand bed calculator” into a search engine and you should find lots of sites that will help you out.


Active Member
If you can't find anyone in your area, try your lfs. Sometimes they will give a little if you ask. You may have to buy a pound or two if they wont give it to you.
good luck.
well the problem is here in NH I haven't found many salt water LFS around and have been trying to find another good one, I travel all around new england and try to find new get to the point my LFS has told me that I should not use LS or DSB so there fore I cant get any LS from them(they don't have any). Any more sug. :rolleyes: