any one else see this at there local deathco opps *****


I don't see exactly how using REAL seawater is lazy... If you have a source, that is trusted, or the product can be tested and determined to be quality, then it wouldn't be lazy, it would simply be wanting to use quality seawater.
I think many agree that ***** has poor husbandry and unethical practices, but that doesn't mean that because they sell REAL seawater it is bad. It WOULD be bad, if that seawater was actually IO mix, or out of some harbor/bay and not from a quality source, without informing the consumer of the location and any filtering that went into collection to ensure clean seawater.


Ok. Are we saying they sell actual sea water or is it just premixed salt water? I doubt very seriously that they would go to the trouble of having real seawater shipped in when their fish look so awful and the tanks they are in are so small. Buying premixed or even real saltwater isn't buying crap, its the source of the water that would be my biggest concern. If their fish's health indicates the level of care they go to then I'd get my water from a more reputable lfs that handles only fish. I can just see this guy that just gave a dog a flea dip mixing the water .


Active Member
Seaslugs, I would just like to say that I would choose not to go off on someone who has been on here longer than you. You may have more experience, or something like that, but it gives you no right to show a poor attitude on a post towards another hobbyist. If you want to state your opinion do so, just do it with some cooth. You might be surprised how many people don't like you now for this post. I hope you don't ever need help from someone you angered.
BTW, in order to keep the trace minerals up to par while using straight from the ocean sea water, you would have to do a 5 percent water change every hour of every day. It is not designed for such a small environment with such little supply of constant fresh salt water.


you can still use b-ionic, calcium reactors, kalk, kalk-reactors, or whatever your chemistry maintaining methodology is...
It is simply using fresh seawater vice synthetic seawater for replacement/inititial water.


Active Member
My chemistry maintaining methods are regular water changes with a salt mix designed for small habitats such as ours. I buy one bucket of salt rather than pre packaged sea water, and kalk, and everything else I would need to keep my tank healthy. Of course everyone has their own methods of doing things. I have no doubt that you or anyone else has had major problems with true sea water otherwise you wouldnt be in the hobby any more.
Now as far as filling a tank initially, yeah if it was cost effective I would love to have ocean water delivered to my house and pumped into my tank, that'd be great, but I doubt its cost effective.
These are just my 2 cents, thought I would keep sharing my thoughts, even if noone reads them. :silly:


As I understand it there's an outfit in SoCal that is selling fresh seawater commercialy. If you're down there they can deliver it by truck. On Monster House they mentioned the name of the company they got the water from & I thought it was the same company that supplied *****. I think it would be fine if the price were right & you could get it fresh. I think you would still need to go with your normal additives/maintenence schedule.

Originally posted by Flamewrasse03
But I guess thats one of the luxuries you get to relish in when you live in this great lazy ass country we call America :) If you ask me people today have become more lazy and self-centered then ever before. They either try to blame others or the government for their problems instead of going out and doing something for themselves. People need to go out, get a job, and do a little work, and then if they still want to

they can come to me!!!

Hey, if you don't like this country that brothers, friends and family have fought and DIED for, there are planes that leave everyday. How bout you hop on one of them, and go someplace else. Hell i will even send you the damb plane ticket, because i, for one love the USA, and work very hard for every thing i have everyday, 12 to 16 hours each.:mad:


I'm not sure where this is all going... The facts are that if you have access, for whatever cost, from a good, trusted source, to natural seawater that has been collected off-shore in an unpoluted (reasonably) then it will be of better quality (in most cases) than synthetic seawater. There will be less heavy metals, and everything will be in good balance.. NO ROOM for human error or, for that matter, computer error.
Many people who live near the water can easily collect water from good sources. People who live in the florida keys or perhaps far northern regions where populations are lower, and therefor pollution is lower, such as maine, perhaps washington state or even better fiji, the marshall islands or the phillipines, could easily have extremely high quality seawater for almost free. If someone is willing to pay a premium for high quality natural seawater, that may or may not be lazy.. It is simply the best thing to nature we can get.. since it IS natural.


Im with you gator, it is not being elazy its using the best source. Like I stated earlier we try to get mix that emulates natural seawater, why not use the same if given the choice. (If the cost is the same).
I believe it is Marineland or Corallife that is actually marketing and distributing the water for the california company. My local aqurium club had these vendors in a couple of months back and remember him talking about it saying it was cleaned and filtered and had a shelf life of 1 year.(I think I'm going off memory here)