Any one ever hear of FMAS?


Active Member
FMAS is the Florida Marine Aquarium Society, founded in 1955 one of the oldest saltwater clubs around, I was thinking of joining ,members of the club include Julian Sprung and Martin Moe and Dr Richard Robins, which if you read alot on this hobby have very good books out ,imagine asking them questions directly check out their site they have links to many clubs all around the US,


ORCA member here.
(Orlando Reef Caretakers Assoc.)
good club with active membership,
cool auctions & raffles,& area discounts.
i drive over 2 hrs. to get there.
(from stuart)


Active Member
Great to hear I will let you know how FMAS is, Ever go to Epcot in Disney in Orlando? The Living Seas Exhibit , 6 Million Gallon tank:eek: No Corals, lots of fish, and they make all their own water, How would you like to do a water change on that:confused: