any one have a clown grouper


I don't have a pic but I can tell you what they look like. They look a whole lot like a clown trigger as far as colors. The gold though is a little more gold than yellow. They resember the miniatus as far as size and shape. I would assume they have about the same disposition. Groupers aren't usually too terribly aggressive.

trigga fish

New Member
The fish you are talking about may be a clown soapfish (looks like grouper). It's also sometimes called a leaflip soapfish. If you search for soapfish at some on-line stores I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for.


How big is a large tank, it better be pretty big. the fish you have mentioned will all need their own space, the two puffers are thought to be a no no, I had done it until I lost my porky to lock jaw, could never get him to eat anything but shrimp. I got two that were very young and put them in the tank at the same time, they got along real well, but that is not to say that in time they would not have turned on each other, you have to have a plain on what you will do if that happens. Just my two cents. Good Luck


The tank is 8x4x4 in wall tank, it was going to be a lot larger but my home owner assos wouldnt let me put it in. I live on the corner of the street and you would have seen the top of the encloser over my fence.


New Member
Yes, this fish is a soapfish..... Since it is a soapfish it has that soapfish characteristic of when starlted or stressed it can reease poison into the tank killing all of the inhabitants inclungs itself! beautiful fish though!
here is a pic:


the grouper i saw at a lfs was black with yellow and almost gold, not in lines but in a jumbled patter. It looked nothing like the soap fish


Pogonoperca punctata (Valenciennes 1830), the Clown Grouper. Indo-Pacific. To fourteen inches maximum length. A shy, unusual-looking Bass family member that makes its way into the trade on a regular basis. Needs plenty of shelter to feel at ease in captivity. Aquarium image. One other species.