Any one know???



for a lot of things on you tank, you could build it yourself. I have done this on my 2nd tank and saved a lot of money. I just copied my first tank.
another way to cut costs is to do good maintenance. usually one big cost is when things go south and you have to scramble to fix it. no time to shop for prices, you need things NOW.


Active Member
I agree doing a lot of DIY projects will save you a lot of money. Plus then you can have things the way you want them.


Active Member
Yeah thats true but I already have a tank. DIY projects are good but take forever to do usually.


Active Member
What kind of info are you looking for?
Things like southdown sand instead of sand from your LFS is a good start. Just seed it w/ a buddies system.


Active Member
I'm looking for pretty much anything to cut costs. My tank is a FO tank and i think i'm on budget but i want to make sure. Thanks for the post though. If u think of any more post it. PLEASE;)


Active Member
its a 20 gallon, and i don't know what kind of lights they are the lady at the aquarium store said they would be ok for a fish only tank but not for a reef tank. I'm not going to do a reef tank until i get more experience with saltwater.


Active Member
dry sand
uncured live rock
dyi lighting
build your own sump and or skimmer
build the stand and canopy
buy frags, instead of full corals
trade frags instead of buying
QT everything instead of putting into main tank right away
use shrimp or fish food for cycling, instead of fish
buy onliine, mail order vs LFS


All I can stress is that buy online by all means because most LFS will screw you, sorry for the language but it is true.


Active Member
Really, did they screw your??? The store here is family owned. And are very nice and aformative.


Jamesurg is right, I have enough filters, PH's, skimmers to start 2 new tanks, just shop around, this hobby isn't cheap. I just started a 20 high and so far have spent hundreds, nothing exciting in it yet put a little at a time... FYI lighting is a HUGH factor and expense if you want to go coral.:D


No they didn't screw me but when I look at the things they carry it seems like they order form ************** and sell it then, at least the prices seem like that.