Any One Out There With Sea horses?


Active Member
Okay, I looked up ghost pipefish. Those are really cool! I'm afraid to add pipefish in with my seahorses though, the horses are CB and the pipefish are WC.


Active Member
CB=captive bred
WC-wild caught
You aren't supposed to mix anything WC with CB seahorses because the WC things can introduce parasites that the CB things aren't "immune" too.


Active Member
Thank you, still getting used to the abbreviations around here. Wracked my brain on that one, sorry to admit.


Active Member
Hi all, I just set up my 37 gal cube for a pair of h erectis. Tank mates will be a flame blenny and a clown gobie. its still cycling. I will not be adding the horses for at least 4 or 5 months. I'm just excited to get it up and running.