Any one want to buy my nano?



Cant You Ship To 33186 And Tell Me More About That Tank And What U Have ??????


I don’t know about shipping the tank.... let me see...
Livestock is
2 perc's
1 blue spot yellow goby
1 cleaner shrimp
1 emerald crab
15 nassarios (sp) snails
1 gorgonian
30-40 lbs liverock
70w Metal halide
a cascade 500 canister
2 80gph ehiem power heads
Test kits... hydrometer
Additives and what not
I could ship but you would have to pay the actual shipping cost. Let me know what you think. I don’t know if it would be good for me to send the tank and the livestock together.


2nd day for the rock would be like $100 or so and 2nd day for the tank and stuf would be $50-60. and then i would have to ship the live stock latter and i think that would be like $80-100.
but if you wanted i could ship it all ground the rock would have a lot of die off and you would have to cycle it and i could sell the livestock to my fish store maybe...