Any opinions of this youtube link?


Staff member
Its kinda a cheapy looking set up with fake ornaments, fake plants, in inappropriate substrate. Looks like the a freshwater tank turned into a saltwater tank.
I would not give this tank a very good success rate.


Looks freshwater alright. Look at the bubbles, that is fresh water not salt. If it were salt the bubbles would be much finer. And the river pebbles, please.


Active Member
I believe its real , come on think about it , people ARE that stupid!!! I know a few of them


Active Member
It looks like the tank from Finding Nemo.
That said, its cheap-looking, and ugly. Amazing how the gaudy decor takes away from the beauty of the fish.


Active Member
i think the second link was of the tank before he drained it, put sw in it, and added sw fish, i think the vid that nigerbang posted was the first iteration of the tnak


ahh i get it i thowt nigerbang was the op and posted both of them, so the second vid is the first before he put the saltwater and fish, what an idiot the poor fish


Originally Posted by ZShain012
Is this your tank Loco, come on just admit it?lol

But yeah I saw some of that decor at wal-mart.

I know i'm a newby, but com on I know better to do that.

After seeing the second video I believe the one I posted (saltwater fish) is fake. I think they might of done it just to pissed off people that care about fish. I am just gald
I can figure out by now that that tank would not be a great Idea to do


Originally Posted by locoyo386
I know i'm a newby, but com on I know better to do that.

After seeing the second video I believe the one I posted (saltwater fish) is fake. I think they might of done it just to pissed off people that care about fish. I am just gald
I can figure out by now that that tank would not be a great Idea to do
yea I know you wouldn't do that. Maybe it was fake.


how would you fake that... the fish are swimming around in it aren't they??? as for needing live rock and correct substrate, that's just ridiculous. plenty of people do FO tanks that just run with HOB aquaclear filters, in which case you could totally fill it with cheap decorative crap like that. im not saying this guy knows anything about anything or that he did it correctly or that it was a good idea... just saying that it is doable if you were so inclined.