any problem adding sand first?


Active Member
ok guys tonight i am settign my 65 up with water... any problem with putting the sand in the tank, dry first, and then pouring the water in???? just wondering if you all see any problem in this!
good luck


First I would have water tested the tank. By that I mean set it up with water and checked for leaks first, you know let it run for 24-48 hours, pumps going, double, triple check everything. Just on the safe side. If you have an overflow make sure that it and any stand pipes are working proper before you can't see in the tank anymore due to sand storm.
After that if you want to drain it and place the sand in fine. Or you can add your salt and sand from there while you still have the water in it.
Just a few thoughts.


yes, I agree with Thomas712. do a dry run (I mean wet run). I just did this with tap water (no sand). I had leaks in the I was able to fix that. then I got all the tap water out so I could use ro/di water.
Once you know that you're all set with piping, you can add the sand first. Some people think otherwise and say add sand after with a funnel and pvc. But, the place I got the sand said to add it first.
SO, add sand then saltwater. (mix the saltwater somewhere separately)
want a sure fire way to not get a cloudy tank when adding water to the tank??? do this...
get a trash bag and cut it to just a little bit smaller than the inside of your tank. lay it flat over the sand. then put a dinner plate over it and a bowl on top of the plate. when you add the water...add it to the bowl. understand???
I'll post some pix


tubing was placed in the center of my green bowl when adding the water. in this picture it was moved cause I was done adding my 20 gallons...


of course I was an idiot after I added the first 20g and waiting for the next batch of 20g ro/di, I didn't want the temp to drop, so I put a heater in the tank with a powerhead...the powerhead clouded up the tank. No biggy. it eventually settles. It'll cloud up again when adding the LR anyways.
Here's my question, if you water test first, then drain then water - aren't there still impurities in the tank, plumbing? I filled with tap, tested the plumbing and drained. Then I went through the adruous task of cleaning everything including the plumbing with diluted vinegar. Think about trying to snake a vinegar swab through the 90 degree turns! Ugh! So, did I go through a little overkill, or was my assumption of impurities correct?


I'm sure what you did helped. was it necessary? honestly, I don't know. I'm not sure what impurities would still be lying around in mine. Hopefully none....otherwise I'll be in trouble!