any probs with LR rubble in sump?


I finally got my 125 gal tuned in last night. I was getting a ton of bubbles (both big ones and micros) from the drain lines so I used live rock rubble to try and divert them to the surface a little better. It definately is helping, but i'm wondering if there's any drawback to this? Accumulate waste...etc? Does anyone else do this? If you have a better idea on how to eliminate micros from my sump, i'm "all ears" as well.


Active Member
Define rubble? You will want it to be larger than the your pump inlet just incase. Yes, I use LR and eggcrate with a floss filter to help eliminate micro bubbles. The floss blue/white traps any large debris and can easily be removed for cleaning and replacing. The eggcrate supports the filter floss and below that the LR (DIY rock). The first picture is before and second is after.



I thought about using some filter floss, or something similiar, but was worried about nitrates. Alot of people say it's bad... How often do you have to clean it?


Active Member
About once a month or sooner if it looks bad. The LFS sells it cut from a roll. I buy 6' and cut it down.


New Member
Shouldn't be a problem with accumulated waste on the rubble rock. I think the pods (if you have any) should take care of that part.