Any Purchase from SWF?


I will if they have any male Kudas for me. I have bought lots of other fish from them and all has been well.


Active Member
I definitely would too if they had kudas. I'm in the market for another pair. That would do it for my tank though.

I purchased one last week...looks good, but hasn't eaten yet..I have been impressed with their stock quality..
can anybody help with the garlic/food issue?
How does one prepare the food with garlic?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ER..MD
I purchased one last week...looks good, but hasn't eaten yet..I have been impressed with their stock quality..
can anybody help with the garlic/food issue?
How does one prepare the food with garlic?
To prepare their food with garlic, this is what I do. I break off a chunk of their frozen mysis and put it into a small bowl. I put a couple of drops of Kent's garlic extreme in with the mysis (1 drop/tablespoon being fed...the tbl includes the tank water being added). Then I soak the whole business in tank water from the sh tank (overnight is best, but 12 hours is fine too). Voila...garlic shrimp prepared especially for the most finicky pallate!! I feed until I feel that I've put in enough for my 2 horses and stop. Meals twice/day. Hope this helps. Good luck with your little girl.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ER..MD
I appreciate it...don't know if I can get the Kents...can you use fresh garlic?
Absolutely...I've never used the fresh so I'm not sure how to go about it...I would assume the same way. Someone will chime in to let you know, I'm sure.

Had some success, apparetnly they like fresh as well...squeezed some juice out of a clove and mixed it with mysis...she ate a fair amount...still doesn't budge from the plant though...
who actually thought of the garlic thing anyway?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ER..MD
Had some success, apparetnly they like fresh as well...squeezed some juice out of a clove and mixed it with mysis...she ate a fair amount...still doesn't budge from the plant though...
who actually thought of the garlic thing anyway?
Good question, but I don't really know. I do know that enough research has gone into feeding garlic, that it is known to boost your fishes' (not just seahorses, but all fishes) immune system and help them fight disease and parasites. Definitely a good thing.

not much interests in feeding bad a sign is it that she just stays wrapped around the plant with her head down?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ER..MD
not much interests in feeding bad a sign is it that she just stays wrapped around the plant with her head down?
I'm not going to dance around it, I would be worried about that too. Horses are very social animals...could it be that she's lonely?
Have you had a chance to be home to see if she leaves the plant during the day? I know that my horses are pretty much set in their ways in the evening...they wait for dinner at the front of the tank...after dinner, off to their own corners. BUT...during the day I've observed that they are all over the tank hunting and exploring like crazy. Could yours be going about this activity while you're away?

I don't think so..the tank sits on my desk in my office so I pretty much view it all day...the only time I've seen her leave was when an emerald crab came out of the rocks and was annoyng her...then she came right back to the plant


Active Member
Sorry, just got our internet back.
I'm inclined to agree with Lisa. Horses are social creatures. There are plenty of sights in which you can order gender specific for a few extra bucks. If you'd like the web sites, send me a email
However, getting another female for a friend is fine too. And you won't have to prepare a bassinet.