Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/post/3158417
Yeah, no more small fish for awhile. The scary part is, my Coral Beauty is not full grown yet
It has to do with the way it's preserved. Someone on another forum I belong to explained it once, I can't find the thread right now. My fish won't eat freeze dried food, nor would my CUC.
Wow, can you imagine when it full grown? I think you but stop buying small fishes and go with a bigger one.
I saw another Midas Blenny at big als and I like him a lot, he follows everywhere I go and the colors is very nice. But I already got one, that's sucks. I wish I could exchange it, he has so much personality.
Originally Posted by johnr2604 http:///forum/post/3158546
I wish I could but if you just type rods food on google you will find it. He dosn't sell directly to the public but has links to SWF competetors.
Anyway its about $20 dollars for the large flat. Rod is very particular about his pricing so its the same everywhere. Its a little pricey but it goes a long way. Rods a member of this forum and posts under Rod Buehler I'm sure you could PM him and he will answer any questions. Best food I have ever found and I've been in the hobby a long time.
I found the site and I have emailed them about getting the food in Toronto Canada. Its frozen food right?
Originally Posted by SALAMI TRIGGER http:///forum/post/3158563
Formula 1
Formula 2
Frozen Mysis Shrimp
I use that too, but I think my nitrate is at 25ppm. I think is has to do with too much feeding? Are you getting the same problem?
I have a sump with Cheato.
Originally Posted by lion_crazz http:///forum/post/3158676
I just started using Rods food as well. I love it. It feeds everything and I need to use so little of it. Definitely recommend it!
Thanks for the recommend, like BTLDreef said, I think making my own food mix is too much PITA.
Originally Posted by johnr2604 http:///forum/post/3158546
I wish I could but if you just type rods food on google you will find it. He dosn't sell directly to the public but has links to SWF competetors.
John, I saw your picture with 2 different clowns. Are they getting along?
Originally Posted by thang45 http:///forum/post/3158854
John, I saw your picture with 2 different clowns. Are they getting along?
They get along great. They are paired and share there anemone just like good tankmates should. One is a true perc the other is a B/W oscellaris. Its my odd couple they have been together around a year now.
Originally Posted by thang45 http:///forum/post/3158884
I have two B/W oscellaris, and I wanted to buy 2 perc, but told not to mix the them. Now I'm thinking if I should give it a try.
You dont want to do that probably. These are the only clowns in that tank. If you have two PAIRS there is a good chance they might fight.